Sunday, August 11, 2019

Political,social,and economicial collapse of communism Essay

Political,social,and economicial collapse of communism - Essay Example Nevertheless having traded totalitarianism for democracy both Russian and Eastern Europeans got economic disorder, political disorder and sometimes even war. As Coit D. Blacker put it on 1990 the leadership of the Soviet Union â€Å"appeared to have believed that whatever loss of authority the Soviet Union might suffer in Eastern Europe would be more than offset by a net increase in its influence in Western Europe" (Blacker, 1990). However it is not likely that â€Å"architects of the Perestroika† were going to dismantle completely Warsaw Pact and Communism. Rather Gorbachev and Politburo supposed that Eastern European communist or Socialist parties should be reformed the way Soviet Communist party was being reformed. Nevertheless reforms run away with both Soviet and Eastern European communists. As soon as popular masses realized that they are no more controlled by omnipotent KGB and local security services they toppled entire communist regimes. Some countries like Eastern G ermany Czechia, Slovakia, Poland succeeded to transit to democracy without having lots of their citizens victimized while Romania and former Yugoslavia were involved in terrible bloodshed.

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