Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis Of Writers Paulo Frei Essay -- essays research papers

Perspectives in the Arts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The stories behind a piece of art are infinite. The reasons the artist produced the piece is only one explanation behind the work. Even so, who is to know the specific thoughts the artist was thinking at the time? As each art critic may conclude his own analysis of an artwork, who is right and who is wrong? Just as students challenge the information that is supposedly â€Å"deposited† in them by the teacher in the classroom setting, art challenges the belief- that information can only be used as it was intended, which is highly rare in our day and age. The concept of perspectivism falls into place in this scenario. Art is perceived differently by varying individuals. There can be millions of interpretations that exist for one piece of artwork, however none more or less correct than the next interpretation. Similar to teachers depositing information to the students, each student may receive the information in different contexts. Whose to say whether or not the students’ interpretation is wrong? As writer John Berger points out the concept of reproducing art, in his essay â€Å"Ways of Seeing,† he addresses the idea how perspectives change completely when an artwork is reproduced to be used in a different context. As this is done, new thoughts and interpretations are created, thus can be seen as a progression of ideas. Writer Paulo Freire used the idea that â€Å"knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention(Freire 348)† in his essay, â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education.† This idea is the essence of what Berger is trying to point out through the reproducing of art. That the reproduction of art is basically the â€Å"re-invention† of the ideas and interpretations that already exist. And thus only through the re-invention of art, new ideas and new interpretations can be formed, a progression of ideas, achieving true knowledge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"[Art] becomes information of a sort, and, like all information, it is either put to use or ignored(Berger 120)†. Each individual sees art differently, images become information that is incorporated with the individual’s own knowledge and personality. As art is reproduced over and over again in different contexts, the artist’s original purpose of the image is altered, a progression from old ideas to new ideas. Clearly one can see how the original intended purp... ... of an image, even more ideas and thoughts are evoked. These reproductions now represented in new contexts bear new ideas that are to looked upon in a different manner for these images, â€Å"like all information, have to hold their own against all the other information being continually transmitted(Berger 123)†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea that surrounds an image having one clear message has been proved to be obsolete. Information cannot be used in one single manner. Matter of fact, there are just too many variables regarding perspectivism, individuality, and personal knowledge that prohibits a single idea that is to be received universally. Berger’s reproduction of art only further implicates the ideas that already exists, and takes it to the next level of thinking, incorporating new ideas that originally may have had no relevance whatsoever, the progression of ideas, so to speak. As art challenges the belief- that information can only be used as it was intended, the conclusion is that information can be used in innumerable ways. Information was meant to be challenged, evoking new challenges and new thoughts and ideas in a never ending cycle of progression from old to new.

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